Top 10 Most Apparent Habits of Corgi Dog Breeds

Corgis, with their adorable looks and spirited personalities, have captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide. Originating from Wales, these small herding dogs are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and distinctive physical traits. Whether you own a Pembroke Welsh Corgi or a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, you’ll find that these breeds exhibit several common habits that make them both charming and sometimes challenging companions. Here are the top 10 most apparent habits of Corgi dog breeds:

Herding Instincts

Corgis were bred to herd cattle, and this instinct is still strong in them. They often try to herd people, other pets, or even children by nipping at their heels. This behavior, while natural, requires training to manage appropriately.

Alertness and Barking

Corgis are highly alert dogs and will bark at anything they perceive as unusual or threatening. Their keen senses make them excellent watchdogs, but their frequent barking can be an issue in quiet neighborhoods.

High Energy Levels

These small dogs are surprisingly energetic and require regular exercise to keep them happy and healthy. Daily walks, playtime, and mental stimulation are essential to prevent them from becoming bored and destructive.

Affectionate Nature

Despite their independent streak, Corgis are very affectionate and enjoy spending time with their families. They thrive on human interaction and can be very loving companions.

Food Motivation

Corgis are known for their love of food. They can be highly food-motivated, which makes them easy to train but also prone to obesity. Owners need to monitor their diet and ensure they get enough exercise.


These intelligent dogs can also be quite stubborn. While they are quick learners, they may choose to ignore commands if they don’t see a benefit for themselves. Consistent training and positive reinforcement are key.

Curiosity and Intelligence

Corgis are naturally curious and intelligent, always eager to explore their surroundings. This trait makes them excellent problem solvers, but it also means they can get into mischief if not properly supervised.

Protective Nature

Corgis are protective of their families and can be wary of strangers. They make excellent guard dogs but need early socialization to ensure they don’t become overly aggressive or fearful.


These dogs love to play, whether it’s fetching a ball, tugging on a rope, or engaging in interactive games. Their playful nature makes them great companions for children and adults alike.

Vocal Communication

Corgis have a wide range of vocalizations, from barking and howling to grumbling and whining. They use these sounds to communicate their needs, desires, and feelings, often engaging in “conversations” with their owners.


Corgis are delightful dogs with distinct habits that endear them to their owners. Their herding instincts, alertness, high energy levels, affectionate nature, and food motivation are just a few of the traits that make them unique. However, their stubbornness, curiosity, protective nature, playfulness, and vocal communication add layers to their personality, making them both rewarding and demanding pets. Understanding these habits helps in providing the care and attention that Corgis need to thrive.


What should I feed my Corgi to avoid obesity?

Provide a balanced diet with appropriate portion sizes and ensure they get plenty of exercises to prevent obesity.

Are Corgis easy to train?

Corgis are intelligent and food-motivated, making them relatively easy to train, though they can be stubborn at times.

How can I manage my Corgi’s barking?

Consistent training and socialization from a young age can help manage excessive barking.

Are Corgis good with children?

Generally, Corgis are good with children, but their herding instincts might lead them to nip at heels, so supervision and training are important.

Do Corgis require a lot of exercises?

Yes, Corgis have high energy levels and need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy.

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