The upcoming MCU show Agatha All Along, which references the Scarlet Witch, makes her possible return even more likely than before. The Agatha All Along show is an upcoming Disney Plus series that follows the events of WandaVision, with Kathryn Hahn reprising her role as Agatha Harkness after her standout performance as a villain in the previous storyline. Centering Agatha as the main character in an MCU show is a risky move, but it could work to bring even more magic into the ever-expanding universe.
However, the recent Agatha All Along trailer shown at the 2024 Disney Upfront Event may foreshadow the return of a much larger MCU character through the show. According to IGN’s coverage of the trailer, Agatha Harkness appears as a detective attempting to solve a murder case, only to notice Wanda’s name alongside a list of dates. Based on this, as well as an exchange between Harkness and Aubrey Plaza’s character, which also mentions the former Avenger, Scarlet Witch’s story in the MCU timeline appears to be far from over.
Agatha’s reference to the Scarlet Witch makes her return more likely
Of course, the references to Scarlet Witch’s death in Agatha All Along may confirm that her death is final, but there are numerous ways for a character to return from the dead in the MCU.
Wanda was an important part of the MCU, and it’s impossible to rule out her return given the concept of the multiverse or even more magic being introduced in the MCU with Agatha All Along. The most recent example is Wolverine’s upcoming appearance in Deadpool & Wolverine, following the character’s stunning ending in Logan in 2017.
If Wanda’s death is an important part of the show’s story, it increases the likelihood that if she does return to the MCU, it will be in Agatha All Along or as a direct result of what happens throughout the season. Making Agatha and the other characters (as well as the audience) believe Scarlet Witch is truly gone may help make her return a triumph, similar to the circumstances surrounding Loki’s two MCU death twists, as well as the revival reveals of Captain America, Nick Fury, Groot, and Vision himself.
How Scarlet Witch Is Supposed To Return In Agatha All Along
There is no definitive way to know how Scarlet Witch will return, but death isn’t always final for comic book characters. The nature of Agatha All Along, as well as the prospect of introducing even more witches and magic into the MCU, open up numerous possibilities for her return. Agatha Harkness could form a new coven of witches to aid in the search for and possible resurrection of the Scarlet Witch, or she could summon a variant from an alternate universe to do the same.
It is quite possible that Agatha, having been foiled the first time, would want to bring back a strong witch like Wanda to attempt to steal her powers once more. Building allies in line with Agatha All Along’s setup would be the best course of action in this situation, particularly in light of her WandaVision failure. This could have long-term effects for the MCU throughout the remainder of Phase 5 and even into Phase 6. This could also open the door for the franchise to explore the magical side of the MCU in greater detail than before.
The MCU’s Need for Scarlet Witch to Make a Comeback
In the climactic scene of Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness, Wanda made her final on-screen appearance as the main antagonist of the movie before appearing to perish from the falling rocks’ crushing weight. A character that had been cultivated since Avengers: Age of Ultron came to a contentious conclusion. It seemed hurried and lacked the emotional resonance that a death like Wanda’s ought to have. It seems strange that the MCU concluded WandaVision’s story in such a manner for her very first on-screen appearance, given the success of the film.
Rushing to the death of a character who deserved better, combined with the fact that the Avengers could use a powerhouse like Wanda to help fight Kang and whoever the villains may be in Avengers: Secret Wars, provides more than one compelling reason for Wanda to return to the MCU. Scarlet Witch has proven herself capable of competing with the MCU’s most powerful villains, and a return could allow the franchise to wrap up her story in a more satisfying manner.
Wanda has been an integral part of the MCU since her debut in 2015. In a franchise where death does not always mean the end – especially if the death leaves some things ambiguous in the first place – bringing the character back into the fold is certainly possible, and at a point in the timeline where audiences appear nostalgic for the previous Avengers team, a revival could prove more beneficial in the end. As a result, allowing Agatha All Along to either explicitly bring Wanda back or allude to how this could happen makes a lot of sense.